Understanding General Semantics and Its Impact on My Life

I want to share something that has fundamentally changed the way I view the world and interact with it: General Semantics. This approach to understanding language and meaning has been a game-changer for me, and I believe it can be for you too. Let’s dive into what General Semantics is all about and how it has improved my life.

What is General Semantics?

General Semantics is a discipline that deals with the relationship between language, thought, and behavior. It was developed by Alfred Korzybski in the early 20th century. The core idea is that the words we use are not the same as the things they represent. This might sound simple, but it's a profound realization that can transform how we perceive and communicate.

The Difference Between Symbols and Reality

One of the most enlightening aspects of General Semantics is the distinction between symbols (words) and the things they represent (reality). In everyday life, we often confuse the two, leading to misunderstandings and unnecessary struggles.

For example, consider the word "dog." This word is a symbol that represents a specific animal. However, the word "dog" itself is not the animal. It's just a label we use to communicate. If I say "dog," you might think of a friendly Labrador, while someone else might picture a small Chihuahua. The word evokes different images and meanings for different people, which can lead to confusion if we assume everyone shares the same understanding.

How General Semantics Has Improved My Life

1. Clarity in Communication: Understanding the difference between symbols and reality has made me more mindful in my communication. I now strive to be clearer and more precise with my words, reducing misunderstandings.

2. Emotional Regulation: By recognizing that words are not the things they represent, I've become better at managing my emotional responses. For instance, when someone criticizes my work, I remind myself that their words are just symbols of their perspective, not an absolute truth about me.

3. Critical Thinking: General Semantics has sharpened my critical thinking skills. I question assumptions and seek to understand the underlying reality behind the words people use. This has helped me make more informed decisions.

The Connection to Writing Code

Interestingly, my journey with General Semantics has parallels with my experience as a coder. Writing code involves translating human language into a form that computers can understand—binary. This process mirrors the idea of symbols and their representations.

When I write code, I'm constantly aware that the symbols I use (like variables and functions) are not the actual processes happening inside the computer. They are just abstractions that help me communicate with the machine. This awareness helps me write more efficient and effective code, as I understand the importance of precision and clarity in both programming and everyday language.

Avoiding the Trap of Confusion

One of the biggest pitfalls we face is confusing the symbol for the thing it represents. This confusion can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and unnecessary stress. By practicing General Semantics, I've learned to separate the two and approach situations with a clearer, more objective mindset.

For example, consider the phrase "success in life." For some, this might mean financial wealth, while for others, it could mean personal happiness or professional achievement. By understanding that "success" is just a symbol that can represent different things to different people, I avoid the trap of imposing my interpretation on others and respect their perspectives.


General Semantics has been a powerful tool in my personal and professional life. It has taught me to see words as symbols, separate from the reality they represent. This understanding has improved my communication, emotional regulation, and critical thinking skills. Moreover, it has enriched my coding practice, as I appreciate the parallels between human language and computer language.

I encourage you to explore General Semantics and see how it can make a positive impact on your life. Remember, the map is not the territory, and the word is not the thing. Embrace this perspective, and you'll find clarity and peace in your interactions with the world.

Beekeeper, Meditator, SQL Programmer

A genuinely curious and open minded thinker, always down to talk about the things we aren’t supposed to talk about.

© Aaron Jennings